
Training on “Trassology in the presumption of innocence, existing problems, shortcomings and solutions” was held for law students

On May 11, the Supreme Court of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and Nakhchivan State University jointly organized a training on "Trassology in the presumption of innocence, existing problems, shortcomings and solutions" for law students of the Faculty of International Relations and Law. Acting Chairman of the Civil Board of the Supreme Court Ali Allahverdiyev and Chairman of the Commercial Board Ahliman Khidirov took part in the training conducted by the Chairman of the Criminal Board of the Supreme Court of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Ilgar Mirzayev.

The participants were informed about the presumption of innocence, the history of this principle and its place in our legislation, the subject of trasology, the scientific provisions on which it is based, and the group classifications of traces in trasology.

During the training, the questions of the participants were answered and opinions were exchanged on the topic.

At the end, a documentary on the murder of Robert Schwartz "Investigative experience, the secret of permission" was shown.