
The new edition of the Bulletin, the publication of the Supreme Court of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, has been published

The first issue of the Bulletin of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic for 2018 has been published.Here's a new edition of the Supreme Court Bulletin. It should be noted that the Bulletin of the Supreme Court of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic has been published since 2006.The bulletin is published periodically twice a year.

In the headlines of the bulletin "New documents, normative acts," "Court activities”, “Human rights and court  experience", "Problems of theory and law implementation", "In the national and international organization of judges", "Free Tribune" and "From press service of the Supreme Court" the readers are presented with newly adopted normative acts concerning to court system of country and autonomous republic, information on court activity,articles on various legal issues, the extensive information about events held at the Supreme Court.