
The five-day training for students on "Actual issues of family law" has ended.

Students of Nakhchivan State University majoring in law participated in the training, which was held in order to further improve students' knowledge of law, as well as to increase their interest in this field.

First, the students got acquainted with the working conditions in various structures of the court and answered their questions.

The next day, employees of the Supreme Court of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic made speeches to improve students' theoretical knowledge of family law.

On the next day of the training, Ahliman Khidirov, Judge of the Supreme Court of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Chairman of the Commercial Board, trained the students on “Actual issues of family law”. The students were informed about the unified judicial practice, the questions of the students were answered by the judge, and the topic was discussed with the participation of students.

The next day, the students were allowed to attend court hearings on cases within the scope of family law.

On the last day of the project, Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Gasim Aliyev met with students. He stressed the importance of forming highly qualified, decent and humane staff to work in the judiciary as part of legal reforms in the country.