
Modern working conditions have been created for the Nakhchivan Mediation Organization

A presentation was held at the Nakhchivan Mediation Organization on April 14.

Jalil Rustamov, Head of the Department for Legislation and Law Enforcement Affairs of the Supreme Assembly of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, said that Mediators should be organized at the level of today's requirements, incoming appeals should be investigated in detail, awareness-raising and propaganda work should be carried out in the media, mediation should be explained, voluntary mediation should be developed, and new mediators should be elected.

Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Gasim Aliyev noted that the establishment of a mediation organization in the autonomous republic is a successful step in building a legal state. The mediation process established by law for the settlement of disputes between the parties by mutual consent through mediation is widely used in international practice. The measures taken to carry out mediation activities in the autonomous republic will also contribute to reducing the workload of the courts.